Don’t be fooled: there’s more to medical accounting than tracking expenses.
Find out why Canada’s medical professionals have been consulting us for answers to their tax challenges for 20+ years.
After years of hard work and sleepless nights, you’re doing your residency and are about to graduate. Congrats! Now, down to business. How do you run a practice?
Get AnswersPracticing Health Professionals
Should you incorporate or not? How should you invest? What types of insurance should you buy? How much do you need to save to retire?
Get AnswersRetiring Health Professionals
Have you started estate planning? Do you know when it’s time to find a successor and exit your practice? How will you maximize the value of your practice?
Get AnswersGet a Grip on Practice Finances And Avoid Expensive Errors
Jonathan Tucker, Managing Director
Get to Know Jonathan Tucker
As the Managing Director of Tucker Professional Corporation, Jonathan Tucker is an innovative tax accountant and strategic tax advisor to hundreds of health professionals on:
- Tax Planning & Preparation
- Accounting
- Practice Management
- Financial Planning
With over two decades of experience in medical accounting, Jonathan is an author, presenter, course instructor, and curriculum developer.
Speaking Engagements
Past Events
Transition to Practice: University of Western Ontario
Personal and Corporate Taxes
Date: March 4th 2020
Organization: MD Management
Transition to Practice for University of Western Ontario
Transition to Practice
Date: December 18, 2018
Organization: Ontario Medical Association
Future Events
“We’ve brought Jonathan in on numerous occasions to speak to medical students and early-in-practice physicians, on topics like Transitioning to Practice and Financial Risk Management. Our physicians often have many questions on day-to-day practice finances, and have appreciated his clear answers and accounting guidance. Jonathan is a dynamic speaker and extremely knowledgeable about the accounting needs of physicians. He has a professional, yet relaxed and personable manner.”
Sarah Tufts,Education and Engagement Specialist, OMA
Bring us in to speak at your next event
What Health Professionals Are Saying
Working with Tucker Professional Corporation
We’re Committed to Your Financial Health, and We Will…
Invest our time with you to explain and demystify complex financial concepts.
Make sure you’re asking yourself the right questions to keep informed and be proactive about your financial future.
Teach you to adopt a business perspective on life decisions you’ll face as a medical professional.
Teach you to adopt a business perspective on life decisions you’ll face as a medical professional.