Jonathan Tucker
Jonathan Tucker, CPA, CA, LPA, is the founder and managing director of Tucker Professional Corporation. Together, his team focuses on helping health professionals get a firm grip on practice finances and avoid expensive tax errors.
With over two decades of experience, Jonathan works directly with health professionals providing tax, consulting, accounting and buy/sell advice to help them meet personal and business goals.
Jonathan received his CA designation in 1997 after having attended York University in Toronto. He completed a two-year in-depth Income Tax specialty program offered by the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants. Jonathan continues to maintain professional credibility through his memberships on both the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario and the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants.

Manu Kakkar
Manu Kakkar CPA, CA, CGA, TEP, MTax is a Chartered Accountant, Certified General Accountant, Trust and Estate Practitioner and has a Master of Taxation from the University of Waterloo.
With over 14 years of experience in taxation in both domestic and international personal and corporate taxation, Manu collaborates with Jonathan Tucker on complex tax planning arrangements and structures.
As an award-winning tax writer, Manu has published and presented over 120 tax articles and presentations since 2001. He teaches tax at the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants, the Institutes of Chartered Accountants of Quebec and Ontario, the Canadian Tax Foundation, The Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners, the Institutes of Certified General Accountants of Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Alberta, and British Columbia and the Regina District Society.
Manu sits on the Steering Committee for the CPA Canada’s National Income Tax Conference on Income Taxes and is one of the lead writers of the CGA Canada Tax Practice Manual.

Jeffrey Meyers
Jeffrey Meyers, CPA, CA graduated from the University of Manitoba in 1984 with an Honours Bachelor of Commerce degree. He then earned his CA designation in 1987 and completed the CICA In-Depth Tax Course in 1990. In 2011, Jeff obtained the United States CPA designation. He has also attended numerous professional development courses throughout his career.
Jeff collaborates with Jonathan Tucker on US tax practice engagements, where clients hold dual citizenship, are American, or are working in the US.

Elizabeth Lance
Elizabeth Lance, MA, MASc is an award-winning management consultant specializing in the Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) program. She is directly responsible for helping hundreds of companies across Canada receive millions in government funding.
As the creator of SR&ED Education and Resources, Elizabeth has a broad knowledge of the industry in addition to the mechanics of successful applications. She collaborates with Jonathan Tucker on engagements requiring SR&ED expertise.
As a result of her work, she was the recipient of the prestigious Ottawa Forty Under 40 award in 2013. Elizabeth holds both a Master of Arts (University of Toronto) and a Master of Applied Science – Technology Innovation Management Engineering (Carleton University).

Banasha Shah
Banasha Shah, FCIA, FSA, is a Financial Advisor, Consulting Actuary and Insurance Industry Trainer with over 30 years of experience in the financial services industry. As an independent consultant for 25 years, she has advised financial institutions on how to design their offerings to best serve individuals and families and has designed many training programs to help financial professionals understand complex financial products.
She founded Longevity Financial Group to address an emerging need – to help individuals with the financial challenges of increased life expectancies and a new global economy.
Banasha has assembled a team of professionals who provide all of the services in the financial planning process. Together, they advise clients and create unique financial plans customized to individual needs.
She brings that knowledge and expertise to collaborate with Jonathan Tucker on retirement and estate planning engagements.